
Effect Of Women Entrepreneurship On Poverty Reduction In Awka, Anambra State

Authors: Igwebuike Joyce; Barnabas, E. Barde Ph.D
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In Nigeria,the incidence of poverty among Nigerian women has been progressively increasing. Despite efforts made at enhancing the potential contributions of women entrepreneur through entrepreneurial networking, entrepreneurial ventures, and women entrepreneurial skill towards poverty rates reduction, poverty rate among women is still on the rise especially in the south-east region of Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study is the descriptive research design; while structured questionnaire was administered to raise data meant for empirical analysis. Findings from the study showed that womenentrepreneurial skill has a positive and significant effect on poverty reduction in Anambra state. In addition, women owned entrepreneurial ventures has a positive andsignificant effect on poverty reduction in Anambra state. However, women entrepreneurial networking was discovered to have an insignificant effect on poverty reduction in Anambra state. Based on these findings, the study recommends that women entrepreneurs should join women entrepreneurs’ associations and cooperative societies that would enhance and expand their network links. Strong networking will grow women small and medium entrepreneurs socially mentally and economically hence success and sustainability. Anambra state government should further expand and sustain an enabling environment by providing infrastructures and adequate assistance that would make infant and extant women entrepreneurs access required inputs and other incentives to create new or more business ventures. This would enhance their business success and improve their standard of living.