
Effect Of Performance Appraisal Practices On The Employee Performance In The Federal Ministry Of Education Abuja, Nigeria

Authors: Ijeuru Maurice Ebere, Dauda E. Odonye Ph.D, Tony Wuyep Ph.D Department of Business Adminstration Bingham University, Karu, Correspondence: adaoga82@gmail.com
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Abstract his study investigated the effect of performance appraisal practices on employees’ commitment in the Federal Ministry of Education Abuja. Data used for the empirical analysis were collected using Likert 5 scale questionnaires based on the research hypotheses. Data analysis was done with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.7. Descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation and normality test were examined, while inferential statistical analyses were carried out using correlations and regression analysis. The results indicate that a strong positive and significant correlation exists between ECM and APF with correlation coefficient of 0.7542, and an associated p-value of 0.0125. More so, strong positive and significant correlation was found to exist between ECM and APR with correlation coefficient of 0.8547 and a p-value of 0.0024. Furthermore, the correlation between ECM and FAP was found to be significant, strong and also positive with correlation coefficient of 0.5624 and an associated p-value of 0.0425. Lastly, the correlation between ECM and QAP was also found to be significant, strong and positive with correlation coefficient value of 0.7411 and a p-value of 0.0121. Therefore, based on the model specification, the correlation between ECM and APR is the strongest and showed that appraisal reward has strong effect on Employees’ commitment. The study established that appraisal feedback, frequency of appraisal, quality of appraisal and appraisal rewards have positive and significant effects on employee commitment in the Federal Ministry of Education, (FME) Abuja, Nigeria. The implication of these findings is that rewards in the form of promotions and salary increments based on performance appraisal results, significantly enhance employee commitment and increased work rates in the FME, Abuja, Nigeria. Based on these findings, the study recommends that for the ministry to enhance employees’ work outcomes and be able to meet the organization’s target should adopt effective reward and feedback practices. Frequency of appraisal should be a pre-requisite for the ministry, as it will assist supervisors and employees to identify weakness, and areas of improvement to enhance commitment. Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja, Nigeria should implement appraisal rewards as a means of motivating employees for enhance commitment levels.

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