
Effect Of Employee Participation On Employee Performance In National Research Institute For Chemical And Technology, Zaria, Kaduna

Authors: 1Zwingina Christy T. Ph.D, 2Bob-Ali Mary M., 3Makama, Helen 1,2,3Department of Business Administration Bingham University, Karu Correspondence: christyzwingina@gmail.com
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Abstract rganizations that have a high-level engagement of employees are discovered to have higher earnings when compared with the other companies that have limited employee’s engagement within the same industry. This study examines the effect of employees’ participation on employee performance in the National Research Institute for Chemical and Technology, Zaria. The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study was 546 staff of NARICT, Kaduna while the sample size was 231. The study used primary source of data collection (questionnaire). Multiple regression was used to analyse the data collected from the respondents. It was found that there exists a negative and insignificant effect of employees’ participation on employee performance in NARICT, Zaria, Kaduna. In hypothesis one the study found that employees’ engagement is negative and significant in employee performance in terms of job satisfaction in NARICT. In Hypothesis two the study found that employees’ commitment is negative and insignificant in achieving performance in terms of job satisfaction in NARICT. The study therefore concluded that there exists a negative and insignificant effect of employees’ participation on employee performance in NARICT, Zaria, Kaduna. It was therefore recommended that NARICT, Zaria, Kaduna should try re-strategies employees’ engagement in order to remove the negative effect and concentrate on the significant effect on employees’ engagement in order to achieve performance in terms of job satisfaction. Also, NARICT, Zaria, Kaduna should re-formulate and re-frame the concept of employees’ commitment by identifying areas of employees’ commitment and those areas which employees do not do well for improvement in the future.

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