
Effect Of Employees Participation In Decision Making On Work Performance: A Case Of Zenith Bank And Access Bank In Gwagwalada Area Council Fct

Authors: JIDAUNA, Konshi Jemimah; Prof. Sam B. Tende
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This study examined the effect of employee participation in decision making on work performance of Zenith and Access Bank in Gwagwalada Area Council in FCT. Data were collected from one hundred twenty-five (125) Zenith and Access Bank employees using the questionnaire. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that low levels of employee involvement in decision making positively affect productivity at Zenith Bank and Access Bank plc, while high levels of employee involvement in decision making positively and minimally affect the performance of Zenith Bank and Access Bank plc. The study recommends that bank managers should make greater efforts to encourage their employees to come up with tips and useful solutions, and try to incorporate them into corporate decisions and policies, and that Bank managers should increase the frequency and level of worker participation in decision making considering the fact that they are the people carrying out the main operative work as they are in the better position to know what goes on those areas..

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