
Effect Of Compensation On Employees Performance In Selected Private Health Clinics In Karu Local Government Area Nigeria

Authors: OPUSUNJU, Michael Isaac, Ph.D.; EZE, Felicia; WUYEP, Tony Lohven
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The study examines the effect of compensation on employees' performance in selected private health clinics in Karu Local Government Area. The study covered the period of 18 years (2000-2017). The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study consists of 192 staff and 53 management staff of selected private health clinics in Karu Local Government Area. The entire population of the study was used as the sample size. The method of data collection used by this study was questionnaire which was administered to the respondents comprising of management staff of selected private health clinics in Karu Local Government Area and their employees. The statistical tool used is simple regression. The findings revealed that there is significant relationship between compensation and employees performance in Mayday Specialist Hospital, Anointed Clinic and Maternity, Mojilla Hospital and Alheri Clinic and Maternity in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. This implies that compensation contribute significantly to employees' performance in the selected Clinics in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study recommends that the selected clinics in this study should sustain the use performance appraisal in order to promote employees performance, give feedback on their work, and ensure that they raise their pay packages as well as using it for their care progress in the respective organizations.

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