
Staff Welfare And Employees Performance: Case Study Dele Olaiya And Associates Lagos

Authors: AROGE, Peter; ACHEMA, Ojoma Dorcas
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Welfare is concerned with the total well-being of employees both at work and at home. Employee welfare entails all those activities of employer, which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and done towards the comfort and improvement of employees. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of staff welfare packages on employee performance. The research adopted descriptive research design. The population comprised of all the employees of the organization's Lagos branch from which 10% were sampled using stratified sampling technique. Data was collected by use of questionnaire, which had both closed, and open-ended questions. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics: frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Data presentation was in tables. Findings of the study indicated positive linear relationship established between staff welfare packages and employee performance. It was be concluded that in order to maintain most efficient employees they should be mentally and physically satisfied through provision of employee welfare packages. It was concluded that provision of staff welfare packages has positive impact on employee performance. The study recommends that companies should learn and implement various welfare packages for improved employee performance.

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