
Effect Of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Of Corporate Organizations In Nigeria

Authors: YOHANNA, Longdi Faith
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This study was initiated to examine the intricacies of the effects of corporate governance and financial reporting. The literature review is based on agency theory, stewardship theory, stakeholder theory, resource dependency theory, management and class hegemony theory, psychological and organizational theory, perspective theory, and system theory. An exploratory research design was carried out. The study used the secondary method of data collection basically sourced from journals, internet and other relevant publications which includes a survey of published research. The study had the following research questions: Is there a positive relationship between audit quality and financial reports? Does board size have significant effect on financial reporting, and if there is a significant difference between financial reporting and financial performance? The study revealed that there IS a significant relationship between audit quality and financial reports and that there is no significant difference between financial reporting and financial performance. The study recommends that more studies of corporate governance be undertaken as this will have an effect on financial reporting.

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